Customer Testimonials

  • The Scale Brass Mechanic did an excellent job updating my Brass Westside Models D&RGW C-16 to DCC. He installed a Econami Decoder, speaker, new motor and LED headlight. He also added all wheel electric pick-ups and made sure the running gear ran smoothly. It now runs like a dream. You can count on him to stand behind his work. If there are any problems, he will make it right. I am very pleased with his efforts to bring older engines up to the latest technology. Barry M. - Highlands Ranch, CO

  • Recently, I re-engaged with the World’s Greatest Hobby and quickly became afflicted with Brass Acquisition Disorder or B.A.D. for which there is no known cure! Needless to say, I have B.A.D. bad! Since I had not been active in the hobby for nearly 35 years, a lot has changed including DCC and Sound for Locomotives and fortunately, so has my ability to buy them! I was glad to have met Fuzzy with Scale Brass Mechanic and have relied on him for the past 2 years for all of my DCC and Sound conversions in Brass Locomotives in both HOn3 and HO and soon an Electric Trolley! Scale Brass Mechanic is my number 1 GO TO and Trusted Source for locomotive tune-ups, re-gearing, new motor installs, lighting – you name it! His attention to detail like adding all-wheel electrical pick-ups to the tender trucks and his unique approach to custom installations and customer service are second to none! It is not unusual to be able to send Fuzzy a locomotive that does not even run and when it is returned to you, you can expect it to run like a fine Swiss Watch! I look forward to having Scale Brass Mechanic complete at least six more locomotives in 2020 and probably that many more in 2021! You can never have too much brass and you can never have too many locomotives! Happy Modeling! Dan R. - Parker, CO

  • The past weekend was home layout tour open house. Don put the 2 shays you rebuilt the gearing on my layout Sunday morning an they ran all day no problems. Thanks for the great job. Chuck L. - Houston, TX (Chuck was co-chairman of the 2015 National Narrow Gauge Convention in Houston)

  • The Scale Brass Mechanic installed a Soundtraxx Tsunami 2 decoder, TCS Keep Alive, a sugar cube speaker, and LED lighting in my HOn3 Rio Grande Southern #20 imported Erie Brass. The locomotive runs and sounds fantastic, and is one of my favorite locos to operate on our modular layout. Jon Z - Aurora, CO